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Can chinchilla eat apples? It’s a common question among pet owners curious about their furry friend’s dietary habits. Picture this: you’ve just welcomed a fluffy chinchilla into your home and are keen on giving them a treat. You reach for an apple, wondering if it’s a safe choice. Chinchilla have a strict dietary regimen, and understanding what fits their nutritional needs is crucial for their well-being. So, let’s peel back the layers of this query to ensure your chinchilla’s health and happiness.

No, chinchillas should not eat apples. Apples contain high levels of sugar, which is not suitable for chinchillas. Apples lack sufficient fiber and protein, essential nutrients for a chinchilla’s diet. Excessive water content in apples can also lead to digestive issues in chinchillas. Overall, feeding apples to chinchillas is not recommended and can negatively impact their health.

Nutrients in Apples

NutrientAmount per 50gAmount per 80g
Carbohydrate14g (10g sugar)22.4g (16g sugar)

When considering the nutritional content of apples for chinchillas, it’s important to understand the impact of different serving sizes. Here’s a comparison between 50g and 80g servings:

  1. Carbohydrate: In a 50g serving, there are 14g of carbohydrates, of which 10g are sugars. This increases to 22.4g of carbohydrates, with 16g being sugars, in an 80g serving. Chinchillas, being small animals, need to limit their sugar intake.
  2. Protein and Fat: The protein and fat content remains relatively low, with 0.3g of protein and 0.2g of fat in a 50g serving. In an 80g serving, this increases to 0.48g of protein and 0.32g of fat. While not significant, it’s important to note these values in relation to the overall diet.
  3. Water Content: Apples have a high water content, with 85.56g in a 50g serving and 136.9g in an 80g serving. While hydration is important, excessive water intake can lead to digestive issues, such as diarrhea, in chinchillas.
  4. Fiber: Fiber is essential for chinchillas’ digestive health. A 50g serving of apples provides 2.4g of fiber, increasing to 3.84g in an 80g serving. While apples do contain fiber, it may not be sufficient to meet chinchillas’ dietary requirements.
  5. Calories: Apples are relatively low in calories, with 52 calories in a 50g serving and 83.2 calories in an 80g serving. However, it’s essential to consider the calorie density in relation to the chinchilla’s overall diet and activity level.

Treats for Chinchillas

Chinchillas naturally have a simple, dry diet in the wild, so treats should be offered sparingly and preferably in dried form to avoid digestive issues. Moist treats can lead to loose stools, which can be uncomfortable for your pet. Many commercially available treats may not be suitable, so here are some recommended alternatives:

  • Traditional Rolled Oats
  • Small Piece of Wheat Biscuit (about the size of a 5p coin)
  • Small Piece of Shredded Wheat (about the size of a 5p coin)
  • Grass Pellets (specifically designed for chinchillas)
  • Raisins (limited to no more than two per week; not recommended for young chinchillas or those with sensitive stomachs)
  • Dried Dandelions
  • Dried Nettles
  • Dried Chamomile Flowers
  • Rosehips (offer occasionally, one piece at a time)

The best diet for your chinchillas

Hay– Provide fresh hay daily. – Opt for high-quality, dust-extracted timothy or meadow hay. – Avoid alfalfa hay except for specific needs.
Pellets– Offer 1-2 tablespoons of high-quality chinchilla pellets per day. – Avoid overfeeding to prevent dietary imbalances and health issues.
Water– Provide fresh, clean water at all times in a sipper bottle. – Avoid water bowls to prevent soiling and accidents.
Treats– Use treats sparingly to encourage foraging behavior. – Opt for dried options to prevent digestive issues. – Avoid unsuitable store-bought treats.
Suitable Treats– Traditional rolled oats – Small pieces of wheat or shredded wheat – Grass pellets – Raisins (in moderation) – Dried herbs (dandelions, nettles, chamomile flowers, rosehips)

How Often Can Chinchillas Have Apples?

Chinchillas can enjoy apples occasionally, but it’s crucial to understand that apples should be considered a treat rather than a regular part of their diet. Offering apples more than twice a week is not recommended. When giving apples to your chinchilla, limit it to small pieces, not an entire apple.

Stick to using regular store-bought apples, avoiding other types like cooking apples or those with added ingredients. While chinchillas appreciate the sweetness and acidity of apples, too much can lead to digestive issues due to their delicate digestive systems. Keeping their apple consumption minimal and sticking to the basic, store-bought variety ensures the safest approach for your furry friend’s health.

How Much Apple Can Chinchillas Eat?

According to experts like Tayyaba Arshad, DVM, Laurie Hess, DVM, and Rick Axelson, DVM, chinchillas can thrive without any snacks at all. Their nutritional requirements, including vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, protein, and fat, can be adequately met through a diet consisting primarily of hay. Despite the apparent simplicity of hay, it provides all the necessary nutrients for a chinchilla’s health.

Offering apples as an occasional treat is permissible, but moderation is crucial. If you choose to give your chinchilla apples, it’s recommended to control portion sizes strictly. Large slices should be avoided, and instead, apples should be cut into tiny chunks, approximately 1/2 inch or 1 centimeter across.

In essence, while apples can be a source of enjoyment for chinchillas, they should not replace or overshadow their primary diet of hay. Prioritizing hay ensures that chinchillas receive the essential nutrients they need to maintain optimal health and wellbeing.

Vitamins and Minerals in Apples

Vitamin/MineralAmount per 50gAmount per 80g
Vitamin B60.0205mg0.0328mg
Vitamin C2.3mg3.68mg
Vitamin K1.1mcg1.76mcg

When considering the vitamin and mineral content of apples, it’s important to note that while they do contain some beneficial nutrients, they may not be the most optimal choice for providing these nutrients to chinchillas. Here’s a breakdown:

  • Vitamin C: Apples contain a reasonable amount of vitamin C, which is beneficial for overall health. However, it’s worth noting that chinchillas can synthesize their own vitamin C internally, making the vitamin C content in apples unnecessary for their diet.
  • Other Vitamins and Minerals: Apples also contain vitamins such as B6 and K, along with minerals like copper, manganese, phosphorus, and potassium. While these nutrients are beneficial, there are better sources available for chinchillas that provide a more balanced and appropriate nutritional profile.

2 Factors to Eat Chinchilla Apples

Avoiding Seeds

When offering fruits to your chinchilla, ensure all seeds are removed. Apple seeds contain traces of cyanide, which can be harmful to small animals if ingested in large amounts.

Hydration and Apples

Chinchillas typically don’t require additional water sources if fed a hay-rich diet. Apples’ water content might increase moisture intake, potentially affecting their digestive system. Monitor your chinchilla for any changes in behavior or stool consistency after introducing apples.

Factors to Eat Chinchilla Apples
Factors to Eat Chinchilla Apples

Chinchilla Eat Apples Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment


Gastrointestinal Distress:

  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal pain
  • Bloating

Changes in Behavior:

  • Lethargy
  • Unwillingness to eat
  • Teeth grinding or excessive drooling

Dental Issues:

  • Difficulty chewing
  • Changes in the appearance of the teeth
  • Weight loss


  • Sunken eyes
  • Dry skin or fur

Allergic Reactions:

  • Itchy skin
  • Swelling, especially around the face


If you suspect your chinchilla has ingested apples and is showing any of the symptoms mentioned above, seeking veterinary attention promptly is crucial. A veterinarian specializing in exotic pets, particularly chinchilla, will conduct a thorough examination. Diagnostic measures may include:

Physical Examination:

  • The vet will check for signs of abdominal pain, bloating, or discomfort.
  • They will assess the chinchilla’s overall health, including dental and fur condition.

Medical History:

  • Inform the veterinarian about the recent introduction of apples to the chinchilla’s diet and the quantity consumed.

Diagnostic Tests:

  • Blood tests may be conducted to check for abnormalities or organ dysfunction signs.
  • X-rays or ultrasounds may be recommended to assess the gastrointestinal tract and identify any blockages or irregularities.


Symptomatic Relief:

  • Depending on the symptoms, the vet may provide medications to alleviate gastrointestinal distress, such as anti-diarrheal or pain relief.

Fluid Therapy:

  • If dehydration is a concern, the chinchilla may be given fluids orally or intravenously to restore hydration.

Dietary Adjustments:

  • The vet may recommend temporarily removing apples and other potentially problematic foods from the chinchilla’s diet.
  • A return to a hay-based diet with limited treats may be advised to promote digestive health.

People Also Read: Can Chinchilla Eat Carrots

What are the water requirements for chinchillas?

Chinchillas require access to fresh, clean water at all times. Depending on the quality of your tap water, you may opt for bottled water instead.

Many chinchilla owners prefer using sipper bottles hung inside the cage to provide water, as water bowls tend to get dirty and can be easily tipped over. It’s important to clean water containers thoroughly every day using soap and water. When changing the water (which should be done at least daily), make sure to wash and rinse the bottle, checking to ensure that the sipper tube is not clogged with food particles or algae.

Even if there is still water left in the bottle, it’s essential to replace it with fresh water daily. This prevents the accumulation of bacteria and yeast in the bottle, ensuring your chinchilla’s water remains clean and safe for consumption.

What is toxic to chinchillas?

Avoid using bedding made from aromatic woods as they can be harmful to chinchillas. While they might be appealing to humans due to their smell and appearance, these woods, such as pine, eucalyptus, cedar, or sandalwood, emit fragrances that can irritate a chinchilla’s respiratory system. Ingestion of these wood shavings can lead to liver or kidney disease in chinchillas. Therefore, it’s best to opt for bedding materials that are safer and non-toxic for your pet’s health.

What is a chinchillas favorite treat?

Chinchillas adore indulging in a variety of delicacies, with dried fruits and root vegetables being among their top favorites for treats. Additionally, they delight in assorted dried herbs and plantain as special snacks. Remember to offer these treats in moderation to ensure your chinchilla’s health and well-being.

Can chinchillas eat cheerios?

Cheerios are not recommended for chinchillas as they do not align with their dietary needs. Chinchillas require a specific diet that mainly comprises hay, supplemented by chinchilla pellets, and occasional treats like rose hips or dried herbs. It’s crucial to prioritize their nutritional requirements to ensure their health and well-being.

Can Baby Chinchilla Eat Apples?

Baby chinchilla have delicate digestive systems that require extra care. Introducing solid foods like apples should be delayed until they’re older, typically around six months. Even then, starting with small amounts and monitoring their reaction closely is crucial.

Can chinchillas eat fresh apple sticks?

Fresh apple sticks are a wonderful addition to a chinchilla’s diet, serving both as a delightful treat and a means to maintain dental health. These sticks offer enriching experiences for chinchillas while aiding in keeping their teeth properly trimmed. Including apple sticks as part of their daily diet promotes overall well-being and ensures they receive essential nutrients in a natural and enjoyable manner.

Do chinchillas see color?

Chinchillas, according to recent studies, possess two types of cones in their eyes, specifically sensitive to red/green and blue colors. This suggests that they have dichromatic vision, meaning they perceive the world primarily in two colors. Although the exact extent of each cone’s contribution to their vision remains undetermined, it’s notable that red/green cones are more prevalent than blue cones. Additionally, chinchillas have rods in their eyes, which aid in low-light vision. Therefore, chinchillas likely see colors, albeit in a limited spectrum compared to humans.

Can Chinchilla Eat Apples Cinnamon?

A small amount of plain cinnamon might be safe as an occasional treat for chinchilla. However, it’s essential to introduce it gradually and watch for any adverse reactions, as some chinchilla might be sensitive to spices.

Can Chinchilla Eat Apples Cinnamon Sticks?

Cinnamon sticks are more rigid for chinchilla to digest and might pose a choking hazard. To ensure their safety, it’s best to avoid giving them cinnamon sticks.

Can chinchillas chew on apple sticks?

Absolutely! Apple sticks are fantastic for small animals like chinchillas. They’re not only recommended by veterinarians but also loved by these furry friends. Apple bark provides a tasty treat while also promoting healthy teeth. Each stick is hand-cut and carefully selected for top quality, ensuring your chinchilla gets the best.

Can chinchillas get wet?

Absolutely! Chinchillas can indeed get wet, but it’s not advisable. Their fur is incredibly dense, and when it gets wet, it tends to hold onto moisture for a long time. This can be a problem because if the fur stays damp for too long, it creates a perfect environment for fungi to grow. This could lead to a nasty skin infection.

It’s crucial to keep your chinchilla dry to prevent any potential health issues. If your chinchilla does get wet, it’s important to dry them thoroughly as soon as possible to avoid any complications.

What is a chinchillas favorite food?

Chinchillas have a preference for certain types of food, with their diet primarily consisting of high-fiber options. It’s important to provide them with low-calcium grass hay, such as Timothy hay, orchard grass, botanical hay, oat hay, or meadow hay. Hay should be readily available to them at all times, allowing them to consume it freely throughout the day. This hay serves as the mainstay of their diet, ensuring they receive the necessary nutrients for optimal health and wellbeing.

Do chinchillas like to be held?

Chinchillas may enjoy spending time with familiar humans and receiving gentle pets, but they typically don’t appreciate being held or handled too much. When picked up, they often struggle and may feel uncomfortable. It’s important to respect their boundaries and handle them with care to ensure their well-being and comfort.

Can Chinchilla Eat Apples Cores?

Apple cores can contain seeds, which are harmful due to cyanide traces. Remove all seeds before offering any apple parts to your chinchilla to prevent potential health issues.

What makes a chinchilla happy?

Ensuring the happiness of your chinchilla involves several key factors. One crucial aspect is providing them with a spacious cage, ideally with multiple levels and a solid floor. When selecting a cage, prioritize ones that offer ample room for your pet to move around comfortably.

In terms of accessories, there are several essentials your chinchilla will need. These include suitable bedding, a dust bath for their grooming needs, food and water dishes for regular nourishment, a hayrack to support their dietary requirements, a sturdy exercise wheel for physical activity, and various toys for mental stimulation.

By attending to these aspects of their environment and providing them with the necessary amenities, you can help ensure that your chinchilla stays happy and healthy.

Can Chinchilla Eat Apples from the Apple Tree?

Apples from an apple tree can be safe for chinchilla if they’re free from pesticides or chemicals. Wash them thoroughly and remove seeds before offering them as a treat.

Can Chinchillas Eat Green Apples?

It’s not recommended to feed green apples to chinchillas. Green apples tend to be more bitter and sweeter than regular apples, containing higher levels of sugar which can potentially lead to stomach discomfort and other health issues for your chinchilla.

Can Chinchilla Eat Apples from the Apple Tree
Can Chinchilla Eat Apples from the Apple Tree

Although some chinchilla owners may have fed their pets green apples without encountering problems, it’s best to err on the side of caution. Opting for regular apples is a safer choice if you intend to offer apples to your chinchilla.

Can Chinchillas Eat Apple Wood Branches?

Chinchillas can safely munch on apple wood branches. It’s essential to clean the branches thoroughly and ensure they’re free from any harmful chemicals before offering them to your chinchilla.

Many chinchilla owners opt for applewood sticks as chew toys, which are readily available for purchase on platforms like Amazon.

Keep in mind the advice of specialists like Tayyaba Arshad, DVM; Laurie Hess, DVM; and Rick Axelson, DVM, who recommend providing safe and suitable materials for your chinchilla to chew on for their dental health and overall well-being.

Can Chinchilla Eat Apples Have Fiber?

Apples contain fiber, which can benefit a chinchilla’s digestion in moderation. However, their primary fiber source should be hay or grasses, with treats like apples provided sparingly.

Do chinchillas get sick easily?

Chinchillas can be prone to respiratory illnesses, which are commonly observed among them. If left untreated, even minor respiratory issues can escalate swiftly to pneumonia, a potentially fatal condition. Factors such as cramped living spaces, inadequate airflow, and excessive humidity within the chinchilla’s enclosure can increase the likelihood of pneumonia development.

Chinchillas often face respiratory health challenges. Without proper care, even minor issues can quickly become severe, leading to pneumonia, which can be fatal. Factors like overcrowding, poor ventilation, and high humidity in their living environment can contribute to these problems.

Can Chinchillas Eat Apple Peels

Chinchillas can safely munch on apple peels, contrary to some beliefs. Offering these peels occasionally is perfectly fine, just like the rest of the apple. Since the peels are naturally small, there’s less concern about overfeeding. Your chinchilla will delight in both the taste and the chewing process.

Chinchillas have a natural inclination to chew, making apple peels a double delight for them. By following previous advice, you can ensure your chinchilla stays happy and healthy while enjoying this treat.

Can Chinchilla Eat Apples If You Have Diarrhea?

During digestive upset, it’s best to avoid introducing new foods. Apples might aggravate diarrhea due to their sugar and water content.

What stresses chinchillas out?

Chinchillas can easily get stressed out, especially when faced with unfamiliar situations or changes in their environment. They’re sensitive creatures, so introducing any alterations gradually is key to keeping them calm and healthy.

Small alterations, like new people in their space or rearranging their living area, can cause them distress. To avoid this, it’s important to make changes slowly, giving them time to adjust and become comfortable with their surroundings. By doing so, you’ll help keep your chinchilla happy and stress-free.

Can Chinchilla Eat Apples in the Wild?

Wild chinchilla occasionally nibble on fruits like apples if available in their habitat, but their primary diet consists of grasses, plants, and hay.

Can Chinchilla Eat Apples vs Oranges?

Both apples and oranges contain natural sugars and should be given sparingly. However, oranges have a higher acidity, so apples might be a safer treatment option if offered in small amounts.

Can Chinchilla Eat Apples with Peanut Butter?

Avoid feeding chinchilla peanut butter as it’s high in fats and proteins, which are unsuitable for their digestive systems. Stick to safer, chinchilla-friendly treats.

Can Chinchillas Eat Apple Skins?

Chinchillas can safely enjoy apple skins as part of their diet. These skins are not a choking hazard for chinchillas due to their efficient teeth, and they can find them quite tasty, plus they offer a good amount of fiber.

When offering apples to your chinchilla, it’s best to choose varieties that are neither overly sweet nor too sour. This helps prevent potential dislike from your pet or the intake of excessive sugar. Opt for regular apples whenever possible.

Remember to always consider the preferences and dietary needs of your chinchilla when introducing new foods.

Can Chinchilla Eat Apples Without Skin?

Removing the skin before offering apples to chinchilla can reduce the pesticide residue risk and make it easier for them to digest. However, ensure seeds are removed as well.

While treats like apples can add variety to a chinchilla’s diet, their primary nutritional needs should be met through a high-fiber hay-based diet. Moderation and careful observation of your chinchilla’s reaction to new treats are essential for their health and well-being.

What do chinchillas like to play with?

Chinchillas enjoy playing with a variety of toys, particularly those they can gnaw and chew on. Opt for toys made of materials like wood, rope, cardboard, and pumice, as these provide safe chewing options. It’s best to avoid plastic toys, as chinchillas may ingest harmful substances. Another essential item for chinchilla enrichment is a dust bath. Provide a shallow tray filled with clean, fine sand or specifically formulated “chinchilla dust” for them to bathe in daily. This bathing routine helps maintain their fur’s health and cleanliness.


Understanding a chinchilla’s dietary needs, including whether they can eat apples, is vital for responsible pet ownership. While apples can be a safe and enjoyable treat, moderation and careful observation are key. Always prioritize a high-fiber diet, primarily hay, to ensure your chinchilla stays healthy and happy.

As you navigate the world of chinchilla care, remember that their well-being relies on a balanced diet and attentive care. Always consult a veterinarian for specific dietary advice tailored to your chinchilla’s needs. You can add a touch of variety to your chinchilla’s diet by offering occasional, thoughtfully selected treats like apples in moderation while keeping them thriving.

Further Resources

For more information on chinchilla nutrition and safe treatment options, explore these resources:

Chinchilla Diet: What Can Chinchillas Eat?

FAQS – Can chinchilla eat apples

How Much Apple Can I Give My Chinchilla?

A small slice, about the size of a thumbnail, offered infrequently, is a safe amount for chinchilla.

Can Chinchillas Eat Apple Skin?

While apple skin is safe in moderation, ensure it’s thoroughly washed to remove any pesticides.

Do Chinchilla Like Apples?

Many chinchillas enjoy apples as a treat due to their sweet taste, but individual preferences can vary.

Can Baby Chinchilla Eat Apples?

It’s best to wait until baby chinchilla are older, around six months, before introducing apples in small amounts.

Are Cooked Apples Safe for Chinchilla?

Chinchilla can eat raw apples, but cooked apples might alter their nutritional value and are unnecessary.

Can Chinchilla Eat Apple Cores?

Avoid offering apple cores as they often contain seeds, which are harmful due to cyanide traces.

Do Apples Provide Fiber for Chinchilla?

Yes, apples contain fiber, but a chinchilla’s primary fiber source should be hay or grasses.

Remember, while apples can be a tasty treat for chinchilla, moderation and careful consideration of their dietary needs are essential for their well-being. Constantly monitor your chinchilla’s reactions to new foods and consult a veterinarian for specific dietary advice.