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California ground squirrels, those adorable and industrious critters, often draw our attention with their playful antics and presence in our surroundings. But here’s a puzzling inquiry that might strike your curiosity:

Can California ground squirrels eat cherries? These little foragers, native to the western United States, have quite an intriguing palate. To understand their dietary inclinations, let’s take a closer look at their habits and explore whether these squirrels have a penchant for cherries.

When we talk about the dietary habits of these furry creatures, it’s crucial to acknowledge their diverse tastes and how they navigate the buffet that nature offers. 

Imagine a bustling garden where cherries hang ripe and tempting, catching the eye of any passerby—including these inquisitive squirrels. Will they partake in this delicious bounty, or do they opt for other delicacies nature provides?

California Ground Squirrel’s Diet

California ground squirrels are omnivores, which means their diet encompasses a wide array of foods. Their feeding habits vary throughout the year, adapting to seasonal changes and availability. 

They aren’t picky eaters; their meals consist of nuts, seeds, insects, vegetation, and fruits when in season. But do cherries fall into their preferred menu?

These squirrels display an uncanny ability to adapt to different environments, turning gardens, parks, and even rocky terrains into their foraging grounds. 

Imagine a suburban backyard adorned with a cherry tree laden with plump, juicy fruits. It becomes a prime spot for these squirrels to explore, and their curiosity often leads them to sample various edibles.

How you can Understand the Ground Squirrel’s Eating Patterns

California ground squirrels’ dietary choices aren’t solely based on taste. Several factors influence their eating patterns, steering them towards certain foods while steering clear of others. 

Factors such as accessibility, nutritional value, and even the presence of certain compounds in cherries might impact whether these squirrels opt for this fruit.

Squirrels nibble on cherries out of curiosity or scarcity of other food sources. However, their consumption might not be as extensive as their intake of nuts, seeds, or other fruits that align more with their dietary preferences.

A Nutritious Treat Rich in Minerals and Vitamins

Cherries, those delightful little bursts of sweetness, are not just a tasty summer snack but also a powerhouse of essential nutrients. Here’s a breakdown of the calcium, calories, and vitamins you can find in a cup (150 grams) of sweet cherries:


  •  17 milligrams (1% of the Daily Value)


  •  95 calories


  • Vitamin C: 7% of the Daily Value
  • Vitamin K: 5% of the Daily Value
  • Vitamin A: 2% of the Daily Value
  • Vitamin B6: 1% of the Daily Value

While not a significant source of calcium, cherries offer a decent amount of vitamin C, important for immune function and collagen production. They are also a good source of potassium, manganese, and fiber.

What is the benefits When Ground Squirrels Eat Cherries

Ground squirrels, those adorable but sometimes pesky critters, love munching on cherries. And for good reason! Cherries provide them with various health benefits:

  • Energy Boost: The natural sugars in cherries provide a quick burst of energy, perfect for fueling their active lifestyle.
  • Antioxidant Powerhouse: Cherries are rich in antioxidants like anthocyanins, which protect cells from damage and may reduce the risk of chronic diseases.
  • Hydration Aid: Cherries have a high water content, helping ground squirrels stay hydrated during hot summers.
  • Digestive Support: The fiber in cherries aids digestion and gut health.
  • Mineral Source: Cherries provide vital minerals like potassium and manganese, essential for muscle function and enzyme activity.

However, it’s important to note that ground squirrels can overindulge in cherries, leading to digestive issues due to the high sugar content. 

Cherries offer ground squirrels enrichment and enjoyment. The act of foraging for food keeps them mentally stimulated and physically active.

So, the next time you see a ground squirrel enjoying a cherry, remember it’s not just a tasty treat but a valuable source of energy, health, and happiness for these furry friends.

Symptoms, Diagnosis and the Treatment of Ground Squirrels Eat Cherries


  • Cherry pits or remnants near squirrel burrows or feeding areas.
  • Changes in behavior, such as increased activity or lethargy.
  • Presence of cherry stains around the mouth or paws.


  • Witnessing squirrels feeding on cherries.
  • Examination of cherry remnants in the squirrel’s vicinity.
  • Physical signs of distress or illness in the squirrel.


  • Prevent further access to cherries or cherry trees for the squirrels.
  • Offer alternative food sources to deter them from cherries.
  • Observe the squirrels for any signs of distress or illness.
  • Provide access to clean water and a balanced diet to aid digestion.
  • Contact a wildlife rehabilitator or veterinarian experienced with wildlife for further guidance if squirrels display signs of illness.
  • If necessary, seek professional help for capturing and relocating squirrels away from cherry trees to prevent further consumption.


California ground squirrels have an eclectic palate and are open to sampling various foods, cherries not be a staple in their diet. Their dietary choices are influenced by multiple factors, and while they might nibble on cherries occasionally, these fruits may not be their top choice.

It’s fascinating to observe how these furry creatures navigate their culinary world, and exploring their dietary preferences adds yet another layer to our understanding of their behavior.

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FAQs about ground squirrels eat cherries:

Can ground squirrels eat all types of cherries?

Stick to sweet cherries like Bing, Rainier, or Lambert varieties. Avoid sour cherries, as they can be too acidic for their sensitive stomachs.

Can ground squirrels have cherry pits?

Absolutely not! Cherry pits are a choking hazard and can also cause intestinal blockages. Always remove the pit before offering any cherries to a ground squirrel.

How many cherries can ground squirrels eat?

Moderation is key. Limit yourself to offering a single cherry, cut into small pieces, per ground squirrel as a special treat. Overindulgence can lead to digestive issues and weight gain.

Are there any risks associated with ground squirrels eating cherries?

Cherries contain sugar, so excessive consumption can contribute to weight gain and diabetes. Additionally, avoid unripe cherries as they can be toxic.

What are the benefits of cherries for ground squirrels?

Cherries offer a wealth of essential nutrients:
Vitamins: Rich in vitamin C, A, and K, cherries boost immunity, protect vision, and promote overall health.
Fiber: Aids digestion and gut health, keeping these curious explorers functioning smoothly.
Antioxidants: Cherries help fight free radicals and protect cells from damage.

Should I plant cherry trees in my backyard to attract ground squirrels?

Planting cherry trees can be a fun way to offer ground squirrels a natural source of occasional treats, but remember that their primary diet should come from nuts, seeds, and vegetation. Ensure there are other food sources available to avoid over-reliance on cherries.

Can I offer store-bought cherries to ground squirrels?

Stick to fresh, organic cherries whenever possible. Avoid processed fruit snacks with added sugars and preservatives, as they can be harmful to ground squirrels.

Can other small animals like chipmunks and rabbits eat cherries?

Yes! These cute critters can also benefit from the nutritional boost of cherries, but follow the same moderation guidelines as for ground squirrels.