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Yes, degus can enjoy spinach in moderation as part of a healthy diet. It’s rich in vitamins A, C, and K, but needs to be balanced with other low-oxalate veggies.

When it comes to caring for your precious degu pals, it’s natural to want to offer them a diverse diet. Spinach, with its vibrant green leaves, might seem like a healthy addition, but can these critters nibble on it without any harm?

Let’s explore this together and uncover the truth about whether or not our little degu buddies can indulge in this leafy green goodness.

A few years back, I stumbled upon the adorable world of degus. These inquisitive creatures captured my heart with their playful antics and curious nibbles. 

As I learned more about their dietary needs, I encountered numerous debates and discussions about the suitability of spinach in their meals. It was a quest for clarity that led me to explore deeper and understand the nuances of what these little creatures can and cannot consume.

Understanding the Degu Diet: Can Spinach Make the Cut?

Is Spinach Safe for Degus?

Spinach, often praised for its nutrient-packed profile in human diets, raises questions when it comes to our furry friends. As herbivores, degus thrive on a diet primarily composed of hay, supplemented by fresh vegetables and occasional treats. 

While spinach boasts essential vitamins and minerals like iron and vitamin C, it also contains oxalic acid, which can hinder calcium absorption and potentially lead to health issues in some animals.

Risks and Benefits of Spinach for Degus

Spinach, when given in moderation, may offer some nutritional benefits to degus. However, the oxalic acid content poses a risk of bladder stones or kidney-related complications. 

Balancing their diet becomes crucial, ensuring spinach serves as an occasional treat rather than a staple. 

Safe Alternatives and Balanced Diets

Diversifying a degus diet is key to their well-being. Opting for safe alternatives like kale, broccoli, or parsley can offer similar nutrients without the risks associated with spinach. 

Ensuring a balanced mix of veggies and a constant supply of hay remains fundamental to their health.

Practical Tips for Feeding Degus

When introducing new foods like spinach to degus, gradual incorporation is essential. Monitoring their reactions and any signs of discomfort is crucial. Always ensure fresh, washed produce and avoid pesticides or chemicals that may harm these sensitive critters.

As I delved deeper into understanding the complexities of a degus dietary needs, it became apparent that while spinach could be a potential threat, moderation and variety are the keys to keeping them healthy and happy.

Symptoms, Diagnosis and the Treatment of Degu Eat Spinach


  • Lethargy
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Weakness


  • Physical examination
  • History of diet (including spinach intake)
  • Laboratory tests (bloodwork, fecal analysis)
  • Imaging (if necessary)


  • Fluid therapy to prevent dehydration
  • Supportive care (keeping warm, comfortable environment)
  • Discontinuation of spinach from diet
  • Medications to address symptoms (anti-diarrheals, anti-nausea, etc.)
  • Dietary adjustments (introduction of safe foods)

Pros of Spinach for Degus:

  • Nutrient-rich: Contains vitamins A, C, and K, as well as minerals like calcium and iron.
  • Dietary variety: Offers a change in taste and texture, preventing dietary monotony.
  • Fiber source: Spinach can contribute to a degu’s fiber intake, aiding in digestion.
  • Low in calories: Suitable for degus prone to obesity when given in moderation.
  • Potential dental health benefits: The chewing action on leafy greens can aid in dental wear.

Cons of Spinach for Degus:

  • Calcium oxalates: Spinach contains oxalates that can hinder calcium absorption and contribute to the formation of kidney stones.
  • High in oxalic acid: Can lead to urinary tract issues and potential kidney problems.
  • Digestive upset: Spinach can cause diarrhea and gastrointestinal disturbances due to its high fiber content.
  • Dental concerns: Stringy textures in spinach can potentially cause dental issues if not chewed properly.
  • Nutritional imbalance: Excessive spinach intake may unbalance a degus diet, leading to deficiencies or excesses in certain nutrients.
  • Always consider moderation and balance when introducing any new food to a degu’s diet, and consult with a veterinarian for dietary advice specific to your pet.


In conclusion, while spinach may offer nutritional benefits, it’s crucial to consider the risks associated with its oxalic acid content. Opting for safer alternatives and maintaining a well-balanced diet for these delightful creatures ensures their health and happiness for years to come.

Remember, caring for our adorable degu friends involves continual learning and adapting to their unique needs. Here’s to many joyful moments and healthy, spinach-inclusive treats for our furry pals.

More Degu diet advice:

  1. Can Degus Eat Tomatoes
  2. Can Degu Eat Carrots

FAQs About Spinach and Your Degu:

How much spinach is safe for degus?

Stick to a bite-sized piece, a couple of times a week. Overindulging can cause digestive issues due to the high oxalate content.

Is baby spinach better for degus than regular spinach?

Both are fine, but regular spinach tends to have higher vitamin content. Just chop it into smaller pieces to avoid choking hazards.

Can degus have cooked spinach?

Avoid cooked spinach. The cooking process reduces essential vitamins and minerals, plus it often has added oils and salt, which are harmful to degus.

Are there any risks to feeding degus spinach?

The main concern is high oxalate content, which can lead to bladder stones. Limit spinach intake and balance it with low-oxalate veggies like romaine lettuce, cucumber, and bell peppers.

What are signs of a degu eating too much spinach?

Watch for diarrhea, excessive urination, or blood in the urine. If you notice any of these, stop giving spinach and consult your vet.

Can spinach be used for medicinal purposes with degus?

In rare cases, a tiny amount of pureed spinach can be mixed with critical care formula to entice a sick degu to eat. Consult your vet for specific instructions.

Where can I find more information about safe vegetables for degus?

Degu-specific websites like Degutopia and Degu World offer extensive resources. Your veterinarian can also provide personalized advice.

What are other healthy vegetable options for degus?

Offer a variety of low-oxalate veggies like romaine lettuce, carrots, broccoli, and bell peppers. Include leafy greens like dandelion greens and endives for added variety.

Can degus have fruits like spinach?

Fruits are high in sugar and should be occasional treats. Stick to low-sugar options like berries and melon, and always offer in small quantities.