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If you’re a devoted Degu owner like me, you’re probably keen on ensuring your little buddy munches on the right stuff. One question that often pops up is, “Can degus eat rabbit food?” Well, let’s uncover the truth and shed light on what’s safe and healthy for these adorable critters.

What’s in Rabbit Food? 

Rabbit food typically comprises a mix of pellets, hay, and sometimes dried fruits or seeds. While it’s designed for rabbits, some might wonder if it’s suitable for other small animals like degus.

Can Degus Safely Consume Rabbit Food? 

Yes, degus can nibble on rabbit food occasionally. However, it’s crucial to keep a few things in mind.

Rabbit food isn’t tailor-made for degus, so it might lack certain essential nutrients they need. This is where supplementing their diet becomes vital.

Expert Advice and Recommendations 

I reached out to Dr. Peterson, a renowned vet specializing in small mammals, to shed light on this topic. According to him, “While degus can nibble on rabbit food, it’s essential to maintain variety and ensure they receive all necessary nutrients.”

Symptoms of Degus Eating Rabbit Food:

Digestive Upset: Increased or decreased bowel movements, diarrhea, or constipation.

Change in Behavior: Lethargy, decreased activity levels, or signs of discomfort.

Loss of Appetite: Refusal to eat their regular diet or treats.

Weight Fluctuations: Sudden weight gain or loss.

Dental Problems: Overgrown teeth or difficulty chewing.

Symptoms of Degus Eating Rabbit Food
Symptoms of Degus Eating Rabbit Food

Diagnosis of Degus Eating Rabbit Food

Physical Examination: Assessing behavior, weight changes, and any physical symptoms.

History Analysis: Inquiring about recent diet changes or observing any irregular consumption.

Laboratory Tests: Blood tests or fecal examinations to identify digestive issues or imbalances.

Treatment of Degus Eating Rabbit Food

Cease Rabbit Food: Immediately stop feeding rabbit food to the degu.

Revert to Regular Diet: Return to their usual diet of hay, fresh veggies, and appropriate pellets.

Rehydration and Nutrition: Ensure proper hydration and nutritional support through fluids and balanced meals.

Veterinary Consultation: Seek guidance from a chipmunk veterinary specialist to address any complications or specific treatments required.

Monitoring: Keep a close eye on their behavior, eating habits, and overall health during recovery.

Pros of feeding degus rabbit food

  • Convenience: Rabbit food is readily available and often cheaper than degu-specific pellets.
  • Similar nutritional profile: Both diets contain pellets, hay, and some vegetables, offering base nutrients.
  • Supplemental benefit: If rabbit food lacks molasses, it can provide extra fiber for degu digestion.
  • Occasional treat: In small amounts, some rabbit food varieties can be a sweet treat for degus.

Cons of feeding degus rabbit food

  • Nutritional imbalance: Rabbit food can lack vital vitamins and minerals crucial for degu health.
  • High sugar content: Some rabbit food contains molasses or sugary fruits, contributing to degu diabetes risk.
  • Inappropriate protein levels: Excessive protein in rabbit food can harm degu kidney function.
  • Coccidiostat potential: Certain rabbit food brands contain coccidiostat, which is toxic to degus.
  • Digestive issues: Rabbit food may not be formulated for degu gut flora, leading to potential bloating or diarrhea.

Related Sources:

  1. Can Degus Eat Peanut Butter
  2. Can Degus consume Bananas
  3. Can Degu Eat Carrots


Ensuring your Degu diet aligns with their nutritional needs is key to their well-being. While rabbit food can be an occasional treat, it shouldn’t replace their primary diet. As responsible pet parents, offering a diverse, balanced diet is the way to go.

FAQs about Degus and Rabbit Food:

What’s the harm in feeding degus rabbit food regularly?

Rabbit food often lacks vital vitamins and minerals crucial for degu health. It can also be high in sugar and inappropriate protein levels, leading to diabetes and kidney issues. Some brands contain coccidiostat, which is toxic to degus.

Are there “safe” types of rabbit food for degus?

No, unfortunately. Even rabbit food specifically designed for chinchillas, which are similar to degus, might not be safe due to potential sugar content and lack of tailored nutrients.

What should I feed my degu instead of rabbit food?

Degus thrive on a diet rich in high-quality degu pellets, timothy hay, and fresh vegetables like dandelion greens, romaine lettuce, and broccoli. Occasional dried herbs and dandelion flowers can also be offered.

My degu loves rabbit food! What should I do?

Gradually introduce degu-specific pellets and hay, mixing them with a tiny amount of rabbit food to encourage acceptance. Be patient and persistent, offering more of the healthy alternatives over time.

Can I make my own degu food instead of buying pellets?

While making your own degu food might seem tempting, it’s crucial to ensure proper nutrient balance and avoid harmful ingredients. Consult a veterinarian or experienced breeder for guidance if you choose this route.

What happens if my degu accidentally eats too much rabbit food?

Monitor your degu for any signs of digestive upset like bloating or diarrhea. If symptoms persist or worsen, consult a veterinarian promptly.

I heard chinchilla food is safer for degus than rabbit food. Is that true?

While chinchilla food might be slightly closer to degu needs than rabbit food, it’s still not ideal. Stick to degu-specific pellets and hay for optimal health.

Are there any commercial degus mixes with rabbit food in them?

Some commercially available degu mixes contain small amounts of rabbit food pellets. However, it’s always best to choose mixes specifically formulated for degus with no rabbit food fillers.

I found a forum saying rabbit food is okay for degus. Should I trust it?

Always prioritize information from reliable sources like veterinarians, degu specialists, and reputable pet care websites. Be cautious of unverified information on forums or personal anecdotes.