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Have you ever wondered, “Can degus eat tomatoes?” These adorable little rodents make fantastic pets, and caring for them properly involves understanding their dietary needs. As a degu owner, you want to ensure your furry friends receive a balanced and safe diet. 

Tomatoes, while commonly enjoyed by humans, may not necessarily be a suitable treat for these critters. Let’s delve into this topic to uncover whether tomatoes are a healthy addition to a degu’s diet.

Degus, originating from Chile, have specific dietary requirements crucial to their well-being. While they thrive on a diet primarily composed of hay, pellets, and fresh veggies, not all human foods align with their nutritional needs. Tomatoes fall into this category and warrant closer examination before becoming a part of your degu’s menu.

Can Degus Safely Consume Tomatoes?

When it comes to tomatoes, caution is advised. While these red fruits contain beneficial nutrients like vitamin C and antioxidants, they also contain a substance called solanine, primarily found in the stems and leaves. 

This compound is harmful to degus and can lead to digestive issues or, in severe cases, toxicity. Additionally, the high acidic content in tomatoes might cause stomach upset or diarrhea in degus.

Risks Associated with Feeding Tomatoes to Degus

Feeding tomatoes to degus carries potential risks due to the solanine content. Even though the fleshy part might seem harmless, it’s crucial to note that degus should avoid all parts of the tomato plant, including the leaves, stems, and unripe green tomatoes. 

The presence of solanine can cause adverse effects on their health, leading to discomfort and illness.

Recommended Diet Alternatives for Degus 

To ensure your degus receive a well-balanced diet, opt for safer vegetable alternatives. Leafy greens like kale, spinach, and lettuce are excellent options, providing necessary vitamins and minerals without posing the same risks as tomatoes.

Carrots, bell peppers, and occasional fruits such as apples or strawberries can also be offered in moderation.

Degus and Tomatoes: A Crunchy Calcium Cocktail 

Tomatoes, those juicy summer superstars, aren’t just for human salads and caprese delights. Turns out, degus, our adorable rodent friends, can also enjoy a slice or two of this healthy fruit (yes, it’s technically a fruit!). 

But before you whip out the salsa, let’s discuss the nutritional world of tomatoes for degus, exploring their calcium, calorie, and vitamin content, along with the potential benefits and pitfalls of this crunchy treat.

1. Calcium Crunch:

One of the biggest perks of tomatoes for degus is their calcium content. A single medium tomato boasts around 8% of a degus daily calcium needs. 

This is crucial for strong bones and teeth, especially for growing degus and pregnant or nursing mamas. So, think of tomatoes as tiny, delicious calcium supplements for your furry friend.

2. Calorie Counts:

While calcium is a plus, tomatoes are also relatively low in calories, with a medium one clocking in at around 32 calories. This makes them a guilt-free treat for your degu, who can indulge in a slice or two without derailing their diet. Just remember, moderation is key!

3. Vitamin Vault:

Tomatoes are also packed with vitamins, including vitamin C, K, and A. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that boosts the immune system, while vitamin K is essential for blood clotting. 

Vitamin A plays a vital role in vision and skin health. So, tomatoes offer a multivitamin boost in every bite.

Benefits Beyond the Bite

The benefits of tomatoes for degus go beyond just the numbers on a nutrition label. Here are some additional perks:

  • Hydration: Tomatoes are about 95% water, making them a refreshing way to keep your degu hydrated, especially during hot summer months.
  • Dental health: The crunchy texture of tomatoes can help keep your degus teeth clean and trim.
  • Variety is key: Adding a bit of tomato to your degus diet can prevent boredom and encourage them to try new things.

Tomato Taboos:

Of course, no food is perfect, and tomatoes are no exception. Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Moderation is key: As with any treat, too much tomato can lead to digestive upset or diarrhea. Stick to a pea-sized slice or two.
  • Skip the stems and leaves: Tomato leaves and stems contain solanine, a toxic compound for degus. Stick to the juicy flesh.
  • Ripe is right: Only offer ripe, organic tomatoes to your degu. Unripe tomatoes and store-bought varieties with added sugars or preservatives are no-go zones.
  • Know your degu: If your degu has any underlying health conditions, consult your veterinarian before introducing tomatoes to their diet.

So, can degus eat tomatoes? The answer is a resounding yes, with a few caveats. When offered in moderation and chosen carefully, tomatoes can be a healthy and enjoyable treat for your furry friend. Just remember, variety is key, and a balanced diet is always the best recipe for a happy and healthy degus. Now go forth and share the tomato love, responsibly!

Bonus Tip: Want to get creative? You can freeze small tomato slices for an extra refreshing treat on hot days. Just make sure they’re thawed before serving them to your degu.

Symptoms, Diagnosis and the Treatment to Eat Tomatoes for Degu

Symptoms of Tomato Poisoning in Degus:

  • Lethargy
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Abdominal pain
  • Tremors or seizures


  • Clinical examination for physical symptoms
  • History of recent diet including tomatoes
  • Blood tests to assess organ function
  • Imaging (X-rays or ultrasound) to rule out other issues


  • Immediate cessation of tomato consumption
  • Supportive care to manage symptoms (fluid therapy, anti-nausea medication)
  • Activated charcoal to bind toxins if ingestion was recent
  • Critical care monitoring for dehydration, organ dysfunction, or seizures
  • If severe, hospitalization for intensive care and supportive treatment may be necessary.

Pros of Feeding Tomatoes to Degus:

  • Nutrient-rich: Tomatoes contain vitamins like A, C, and K, beneficial for health.
  • Variety in diet: Adds diversity to their food, keeping them interested in eating.
  • Hydration: Tomatoes have high water content, aiding in hydration for degus.
  • Antioxidants: Presence of antioxidants in tomatoes can support overall health.
  • Enrichment: Introducing different textures and flavors can stimulate mental engagement.

Cons of Feeding Tomatoes to Degus:

  • Toxicity risk: Tomatoes contain solanine, harmful to degus if consumed in excess.
  • Digestive issues: High acidity in tomatoes can lead to stomach upset or diarrhea.
  • Allergic reactions: Some degus may have adverse reactions to tomatoes.
  • Dental problems: Sticky texture of tomatoes can contribute to dental issues.
  • Obesity: Overfeeding tomatoes, high in natural sugars, might lead to weight gain in degus.


In conclusion, while tomatoes offer health benefits for humans, they are not suitable for degus due to the presence of solanine, which can be harmful to their health. 

As a responsible degu owner, it’s essential to prioritize their well-being by offering a diet that aligns with their specific nutritional needs. Opt for safe alternatives to tomatoes, ensuring your furry companions thrive and live a happy, healthy life.

Remember, when it comes to feeding your degus, their health should always be the top priority. Consult with a veterinarian or specialized resources to gain further insight into your degus dietary requirements and make informed decisions regarding their diet.

Incorporating a variety of safe and nutritious vegetables into their diet will undoubtedly contribute to their overall health and happiness, keeping these charming creatures in the pink of health for years to come.

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FAQs About Degus and Tomatoes:

What type of tomatoes are safe for degus?

Stick to ripe, organic tomatoes with no added sugars or chemicals. Cherry tomatoes are a good size for their tiny mouths. Avoid unripe tomatoes, green parts, and stems, as they can be toxic.

How much tomato can a degu have?

A pea-sized slice is plenty for your degu! Introduce it slowly and monitor for any digestive issues. Remember, variety is key, so don’t let tomatoes dominate their diet.

Are there any risks associated with degus eating tomatoes?

Tomatoes are acidic and can cause diarrhea or stomach upset if eaten in excess. Avoid giving tomatoes to pregnant or nursing degus, as it could affect their pups.

What are some alternatives to tomatoes for degus?

Offer a variety of safe vegetables like bell peppers, cucumbers, carrots, and leafy greens. You can also try fruits like apples, pears, and melons in small amounts.

Can tomato leaves be harmful to degus?

Yes, tomato leaves contain solanine, a toxic compound for degus. Never give them tomato leaves or stems.

Can I use tomato paste or sauce for degus?

No, processed tomato products often contain high levels of sugar, salt, and preservatives, which are harmful to degus. Stick to fresh, ripe tomatoes.

Where can I find more information about safe treats for degus?

Degu-specific websites and forums like Degutopia and Degu World are great resources. Your veterinarian can also provide personalized advice on your degus diet.

Can I use tomatoes as a way to give my degu medication?

Some medications can be mixed with a tiny amount of tomato puree, but consult your vet first. Never force-feed your degu medication.

Can other small rodents like hamsters or gerbils eat tomatoes?

The same rules for degus apply to other small rodents. Offer tomatoes in moderation as a treat, always choosing ripe, organic options.